End of Life Care at Home
"Helping those who are in the final chapter of their life and their loved ones not only accept, but embrace, the meaningful and intensly emotional 'bubble in time' that lovelingly ushers out one life while forever changing the one's that remain. What could be more honorable or rewarding then helping people not only Live Well but also Die Well?"
- Jess Arsenault, Founder and CEO of Granite Willow
Under the guidance and close supervision of Jess Arsenault, Granite Willow Home Care founder/CEO, End of Life Doula, Certified Dementia Practitioner and Certified Senior Advisor, the Granite Willow Care Team works in conjunction with hospice agencies to provide compassionate care that is focused on comfort, dignity, and emotional well being.
Personalized End of Life Care Plans often include:
Personal and Bedbound Care
Adherence to the medication plan set-up by the hospice/palliative team
Emotional Support - Holding Space
Legacy projects
Meal Prep
Supporting family and loved one's
Meal planning/preparation/feeding
Local Errand-running
Additional needs